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Summer Camp 2023
Get ready for a summer of fun!

When registering more than one camper, please register each camper individually.
Summer Camp Fees
Welsh Hills School Student
Full-Day Camp: $220/week • Half-Day Camp - $140/week

Non-Welsh Hills School Student
Full-Day Camp - $240/week • Half-Day Camp - $160/week

Week 1 - June 5 - 9

Little Lab
Grab your curiosity and observation skills, and let’s find out how to make flowers change colors, why slugs are slimy, why volcanoes erupt, how to build a skyscraper and more. Campers will test their theories through exploration and experimentation.


Lab Wizards
Grab your curiosity and observation skills and let’s find out why a bridge stays up, how to build a skyscraper, why volcanoes erupt, and more. Campers will test their theories through exploration and experimentation.

Week 3 - June 19 - 23

Unicorns, Mermaids and Dragons

Do you love mythical creatures? This week campers will read stories about unicorns, mermaids, and dragons from around the world. Campers will play games and do crafts all centered on these mythical beings. Then you will get to create a mythical creature of your very own!


Week 5 - July 5 -7

Road Tripping

Celebrate the US’s birthday by taking a “road trip” with us. We will “travel” all over the United States to see some amazing sights. We will read stories and do crafts exploring America’s great attractions. No need to pack for this trip. Just bring your imagination!





Week 7- July 17 - July 21


If you could have a superpower what would it be? X-ray vision? Invisibility? This week become a superhero! Come pick out your superhero name, decide on your superpower, and design a super vehicle. Together with your superhero friends, help save the world!

Week 2 - June 12 - July 16

Spy Academy
Do you have what it takes to be a spy? This week campers will create an alias, crack top-secret codes, and build spy gadgets to solve the mystery of the missing Dragon Necklace. Come join us for a week of undercover adventures.


Spy School
Do you have what it takes to be a spy? Campers will spend the week learning how to make a disguise, look for clues, and solve mysteries. Come join us for a week of undercover adventure.


Week 4 - June 26 - 30


Have you always wanted to design your own town, make laws, or start a business? Join your friends this week and create your very own town.  Decide who will be the mayor, what kind of businesses your town needs, and so much more. Join your friends to develop a thriving community. Family and friends will be invited into Kidstown on the last morning of camp.

Week 6 - July 10 - 14

Space Cadets
Come explore our solar system and learn about all kinds of objects in the sky. With your space crew design your rocket and plot a course to a new planet that you create. We will read stories and do crafts that focus on all the things in our universe.


Space Explorers
What is out there in the sky? Put on your space suit, hop in your rocket and come learn about stars, planets, and comets. We will read stories and do crafts focusing on all the things in our universe!






Week 8 - July 24 - July 28

Water World

Come explore the creatures that live in the water, how water can be used to power things, and much more. Campers will read stories, do experiments and crafts, and of course play in the water this week. Come find out how very important water is in our lives!

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©2024 Welsh Hills School


2610 Newark-Granville Road

Granville, Ohio 43023



740.920.4326 fax


Non-discrimination policy:
Welsh Hills School does not discriminate in recruitment, admissions, employment, or other matters on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, age, gender, religion, sexual identity, disability, national origin, or socio-economic status. Decisions will be based on the availability of openings and other relevant information.

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