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Get Ready for Eight Weeks of Summer Fun!


 General Information


  • All summer programs will be offered weekly for eight weeks beginning June 10 and ending August 2.

  • Campers must be age three (3) and completely potty-trained prior to March 2024 to participate in camp.

  • All programs will run from 9-3:30 p.m. with extended care available from 8-8:45 a.m and 3:30-5 p.m.

  • Handwashing will be required immediately upon entering the building, and constantly throughout the day.

  • Each camper must bring a snack and lunch from home and keep them in camper backpacks.
    Community dishes and silverware will not be available. A microwave will be available for campers to use.

  • Water bottles must be brought from home each morning and kept with each camper's personal belongings.
    We will refill them from our sinks as needed.

  • All-day Children's House campers will nap from 12:30 - 2:15 p.m. Rising Kindergarteners will not have
    a nap time.

  • Camps are based on the grade the camper is going into for the 2024-2025 school year.

  • Campers must be potty-trained and able to ask and go to the restroom independently, including wiping.


When registering more than one camper, please register each camper individually.









Summer Camp Fees
Welsh Hills School Student
Full-Day Camp: $240/week • Half-Day Camp - $160/week


Non-Welsh Hills School Student
Full-Day Camp - $260/week • Half-Day Camp - $180/week


Registration Deadlines

Space is available on a first-come, first-served basis. All registrations require a $50 non-refundable deposit per child per week at the time of registration. Full payment must be received two weeks prior to the start of the session or your space will be released to someone on the waiting list. Welsh Hills School reserves the right to cancel programs that do not meet minimum enrollment requirements. Deposits will be returned if camp is canceled due to low enrollment.


Registrations will be accepted online only. Please contact Welsh Hills at 740.522.2020 or via email at with questions.

Other required forms include:
• Camper Emergency Medical Form
• Authorized Drop Off/Pick Up Form
• Medication Form required for sunscreen and other medications
• YMCA Pool Release For


Separate forms are required for each camper and each medication. Forms are required for sunscreen.


Registration Deadlines
Registration and full payment must be received two weeks prior to the start of each week's session.


Hours of Operation - 8 – 5 p.m.
Extended Before Care - 8 – 8:45 a.m.

Lunch - Noon – 12:30 p.m.

Nap for Children's House Campers - 12:30-2:15 p.m.

Extended Afternoon Care - 3:30 – 5 p.m.


Extended Care
Extended morning care is available from 8 – 8:45 a.m. at an additional fee of $25/week.
Extended afternoon care is available from 3:30 – 5 p.m. at an additional fee of $75/week.


Program Dates

Week 1 - June 10 – 14

Week 2 - June 17 – 21

Week 3 - June 24 – 28

Week 4 - July 1 – 5

Week 5 - July 8 – 12

Week 6 - July 15 – 19

Week 7 - July 22 – 26

Week 8 - July 29 - August 2


Food + Nutrition at Camp
Welsh Hills School is a nut-free environment. Please do not send peanut or tree-nut products to camp.


Full-day campers are to bring a packed lunch each day. Please note that community dishes and utensils will not be available. A microwave will be available for campers to use.


Campers will also have the opportunity throughout the day to have a snack. Please be sure to pack one snack for half-day campers (or two snacks for full-day campers) and a refillable water bottle that your camper can refill. Please do not send soda or candy with your camper. If your child attends after-care, please include a snack for after camp.


Refunds + Withdrawals
Cancellations and refund requests must be made in writing to the program director at least two (2) weeks prior to the camp session paid for to receive a refund, less the $50 non-refundable deposit.

Any cancellation received less than two (2) weeks prior to the start of the camp session may not be eligible for a refund. If you register for a week of camp but cannot attend all five (5) days of the session, your fees will not be prorated.

Make-up sessions will not be offered for any missed camp programs.

All documentation required for a refund must be submitted by July 15, 2024. Refunds for Welsh Hills School Summer Camp 2024 will not be processed after this date.

What To Wear + Bring To Camp
Campers should wear weather-appropriate clothing and closed-toed shoes to camp. For safety reasons, please do not send campers in Crocs or flip-flops.


Campers will also need to bring a packed lunch, snack, refillable water bottle, sunscreen and a change of clothes labeled with your child’s name. Please check the course descriptions to see if any other materials are needed for each individual program.


Children's House campers will also need a labeled nap bag with two blankets, a small pillow and a lovey. These items will be sent home on Friday each week.


Campers who are rising Kindergarteners through 5th grade will also need a swimming bag with a towel, pool shoes, sunscreen, and a snack. We are not responsible for swimming goggles brought to the pool.


Campers are responsible for managing their own belongings. Please make sure that all of their items can be kept in a backpack that they can manage on their own. We are not responsible for any lost personal items.


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©2024 Welsh Hills School


2610 Newark-Granville Road

Granville, Ohio 43023



740.920.4326 fax


Non-discrimination policy:
Welsh Hills School does not discriminate in recruitment, admissions, employment, or other matters on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, age, gender, religion, sexual identity, disability, national origin, or socio-economic status. Decisions will be based on the availability of openings and other relevant information.

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