2610 Newark-Granville Road
Granville, Ohio 43023
Welsh Hills School
Rooted in the Montessori tradition. Focused on the whole child.
For students ages 18 months through grade 12

Week 1 - Super Squad
Preschoolers Unite! Campers will unleash their inner superhero by playing games, doing experiments, and doing arts and crafts. They will practice their superhero skills through training and imaginative play. Together with your superhero friends, help save the world!
Week 2 - Wizards
What makes a volcano erupt? How do scuba divers go to the bottom of the ocean? How does a hovercraft work? Our youngest campers will use their observation skills and the scientific method to try and answer these questions and more. There will be experiments, activities, and arts and crafts every day!
Week 3 - Kidstown
Have you ever wanted to have your own town? Come to Kidstown and create a town with your friends. Decide what your town will look like and what kind of businesses will be there. Will there be a police station, hospital, or veterinarian? Build your own little town and show your Family and friends on the last morning of Kidstown camp!
Week 4 - Under the Big Top
Do you love the circus? Campers will work together to make their own circus acts this week. Learn how to be a clown, walk a tightrope, and make everyone laugh. It will be a week where silliness abounds. On Friday campers will showcase their circus for their families.
Week 5 - Jungle Safari
Travel through rainforests, deserts, oceans, and jungles learning about the animals that live there. Where does your favorite animal live, where does it sleep, what does it eat? Join us as we journey around the globe to learn more about animals that call this planet home.
Week 6 - To the Moon!
Our youngest astronauts will blast off on an imaginative space adventure. Put on your space suit, design your rocket with your space crew, and plot a course to a new planet that you create. We will read stories and do crafts focusing on all the things in our universe!
Week 7 - Magical Creatures
Do you love magical creatures? This week we will learn about dragons, unicorns, and mermaids. We will read stories and create art focused on these mythical creatures. You will have a chance to make your creature and take care of them for the week. This week is all about magical creativity!
Week 8 - Water World
Join us for a week of water-filled fun in the sun! Explore the animals that live in the water, conduct experiments with water, read stories about oceans and lakes, and create under-the-sea crafts. Campers will spend most of this week outside getting wet and having fun in the sun!